Università degli studi di Pavia


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Attività didattica a.a. 2023-2024

Mandatory teaching activities 2023/2024

A) First year students
First year students are required to complete a course load of 14 credits (= 56 hours).
1) 32 hours (8 credits): Methodologies of Historical Research;
2) 24 hours (6 credits) of SAFD course: “Academic Publishing in the Humanities”

1) 5-9 February 2024: Methodologies of Historical Research (32 h)
Aula Carruba, second floor of Palazzo S. Tommaso

5 February
15.00-18.00: Clelia Mora (University of Pavia), “Refugees, Prisoners and Deportees: The Fate of the ‘Other’ in the Ancient Near Eastern Societies”.

6 February
10.00-12.30 Chiara Carsana (University of Pavia), “Introduction to the Project on Periodizations in the Ancient World” and Livia Capponi (University of Pavia), “Periodization between West and East: Classical History and Ancient History”.
15.00-18.00 Maria Emanuela Oddo (University of Pavia), “Measuring Time in Archaeology: Units, Models, Methods”.

7 February
9.00-14.00 Ettore Morelli (University of Basel), “Saeculum: Ages, Seasons, Cycles, and Other Measures of Time”.
15.00-18.00 Emanuela Mangiarotti (University of Pavia), "Problematising Chronologies in Indian Historiography: Gender, Caste, and the Colonialism-nationalism Paradigm".

8 February
9.00-11.00 Chiara Marabelli (Oxford University), “The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford: Where Past and Present Meets”.
11.00-14.00 Maria Elena Gorrini (University of Pavia), “Time after Time. Museums over the Centuries. The Case of Vercelli’s Museum Leone”.
15.00-18.00 Isabella Bossolino (Université Libre de Bruxelles) “Overseas Archaeology between the 19th and 20th Centuries. The Beginnings of Italian Excavations in the Colonial Territories”.

9 February
9.00-14.00/15.00-18.00 International Conference: “Responding to Invasion. Afro-Asian Reactions to the Italo-Ottoman War, 1911-1912”.

2) 12-16 February: Academic Publishing in the Humanities (24 h)
Room 5, Department of Social and Political Sciences

12 February
9-10 Arianna Arisi Rota (University of Pavia), Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “Introduction to the Course”.
10-11 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers”.
11-12 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “What is Open Access and the Open Access Movement”.
12-13 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “Predatory Publishing and Self-Plagiarism”.
14-16 Arianna Arisi Rota (University of Pavia): “From Dissertation to Book: Main Strategies and Some Experiences”.

13 February
9-11 Carlotta Marchi (University of Pavia): “Developing a Publication Strategy”.
11-13 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “Classification and Journal Metrics and How to Select a Journal to Publish In”.
14-16 Arianna Arisi Rota (University of Pavia), Guest: Sharon Hecker (PhD, Art Historian, editor of the Bloomsbury, Visual Cultures and Italian Contexts series), “A Less Investigated Product: the Edited Volume/Collection of Essays”.

14 February
9-11 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “Writing an Academic Article”
11-13 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “The Art of Peer Reviewing”
14-16 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “Practicing Peer Review”

15 February
9-10 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “The Publication Process”
10-11 Massimo Zaccaria (University of Pavia): “The Journal Editor’s Role”
11-13 Sara Zanotta (Deputy Editor in Chief of NAD: Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società): “Managing an Academic Journal: an Insider View”.
14-15 Carlotta Marchi (University of Pavia): “Using Social Media to Promote Your Research”
15-16 Carlotta Marchi (University of Pavia): “Facebook and Twitter as Dissemination Channels”

16 February
9-11 Final Test

B) Second Year Students
Second year students are required to complete a course load of 10 credits (= 40 hours):
1) 10 hours of specialistic seminars on topics related to historical research;
2) 20 hours of subject specific seminars for the two Areas: students should attend all the seminars concerning their own area of study;
3) 10 hours of subject specific seminars of the other Area.

1) Specialistic seminars on topics related to historical research (10h), 5 and 9 February,
Aula Carruba, second floor of Palazzo S. Tommaso:

5 February
15.00-18.00: Clelia Mora (University of Pavia), “Refugees, prisoners and deportees: The Fate of the ‘Other’ in the Ancient Near Eastern societies”.
9 February
9.00-14.00/15.00-18.00 International Conference: “Responding to Invasion. Afro-Asian Reactions to the Italo-Ottoman War, 1911-1912”.

2) and 3) Subject specific seminars for the two Areas: Modern (M) and Ancient (A) (20h of own Area + 10h of the other Area). 19-23 February 2024, Aula Carruba, second floor of Palazzo S. Tommaso

19 February
9-13 Valentina Fusari (University of Torino), “Beyond PhD: Navigating Postdoc Horizons with an ERC Perspective” (M)
14-16 Nevena Kulic (University of Pavia), “The Study of Time in Social Sciences” (M)
16-18 Silvia Neposteri, “A Periodization of Memory: The Cultural Organization of History and Power in South-East Madagascar through the HB 6 Arabico-malagasy Manuscript” (M).

20 February
9-13 Pierluigi Valsecchi (University of Pavia), “ 'African Time' in Historical Studies” (M)
14-16 Lorenzo d'Alfonso (University of Pavia), “Periodization and Chronology as Problematic Cornerstones where History and Archaeology Join: the Case of the Transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age in Anatolia” (A)
16-18 Annick Payne (University of Venice), “The Problem of Dating Lydian Inscription” (A).

21 February
9-11 Pierluigi Valsecchi (University of Pavia), “ 'African Time' in Historical Studies” (M)
11-13 Ilaria Poggiolini (University of Pavia), “Labels and Periodisation in International History: the case of the 1960s and 1980s versus the 1970s” (M).
15-16.30 Amedeo Visconti (University of Napoli), “Hesiod’s Myth of the Five Stocks (Op. 106-201) as a Periodization Scheme of the History of Humanity” (A).
16.45-18.15 Franco Ferrari (University of Pavia), “Sections of the past in Plato’s Timaeus”(A).

22 February
10-12,30 Presentation of the Project Apollon (Université de Haute Alsace / Università di Pavia). “History of Time, History in Time. An interdisciplinary study of Aristotle’s Politics with the aid of Artificial Intelligence”. Contributors: Lionel Lenotre, mathematician at UHA; Cesare Zizza, Greek historian at Unipv; Giuliano Dellavedova, PhD candidate in History Unipv - cotutoring with UHA (A)
14-16 Alessandra Gilibert (Università di Venezia), “An Art Historical Perspective on Periodization: the Case of Iron Age Monumental Reliefs of Syro-Anatolia” (A).
17-18.30 Presentation of the volume by Maria Teresa Schettino, “Marcus Lycinius Crassus: Practice and Conception of Power. An Example of Moderatism in the Late Roman Republic”. Discussants (along with the author): Chiara Carsana, Giovanni Battista Magnoli Bocchi and Giuseppe Zecchini. (A)

23 February
9.15-11 Sylvie Pittia (University of Paris Sorbonne), “The Periodisation of Roman History in the Contemporary World: the Handbooks and Teaching of Ancient History”. (A).
11-13/14-16 Anna Ferrando (University of Pavia): “Turning Points in the History of Culture: XX Century Italy as a Transnational Case Study” (M).
16-18 Paolo Rondini (University of Pavia), “The chronology of Bronze Age Northern Italy: Structure and Problems” (A).

C) Third Year Students
Third year students will choose among the above-mentioned lectures to complete their course load of 20 hours.


Mandatory teaching activities 2022/2023: 6-24 February 2023

A) First year students
6-10 February: Cross-cutting course provided by SAFD about “Academic Publishing in the Humanities”, 26 h. (http://phd.unipv.it/academic-publishing-in-the-humanities/)
13-18 February: Series of general lectures about historical research methodologies, 30 h.

We remind that first year PhD students, in addition to the course load of 56 hours, are required to write a paper in English or in Italian (up to 20,000 characters, excluding bibliography) on a chosen topic related to the themes addressed in the seminars (students are encouraged to choose a subject beyond their own area of study). The paper will be assessed and will count towards the final evaluation by the Academic Committee. The students will receive instructions and guidelines for the preparation of the paper.

B) Second and third year students
13-18 February: Thematic seminars on specific issues of the historical research, common to the two Research Areas (biographies and autobiographies in history, the theory and history of historiography, microhistory, cultural history, etc.), 10 h.
20-24 February: Subject specific seminars for the two Research Areas about “Forms of government and politics in ancient and modern-contemporary times”, 20 h.

Second year students are required to complete a course load of 40 hours (10 hours of common thematic seminars + 20 hours of subject specific seminars related to their own research area (ancient or modern-contemporary), 10 hours of the other area).
Third year students are required to complete a course load of 20 hours. The study programme, which may involve subject specific or programme wide seminars, is selected by the student and agreed with the tutor.


6-10 February: Academic Publishing in the Humanities (course SAFD for 1st year students)
Aula 5, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Course learning outcomes/abstract: Although PhD students are not required to publish while completing their PhD, there are many good reasons to familiarize themselves with how the academic publishing industry works. A sound knowledge of the process of academic publishing stands as an important component in early-career academics and represents an important part in a succesful career path. To navigate the publishing system could also be one of the best ways to take up the challanges of publishing your own work, and connect with the academic community in your discipline. Getting a paper published takes a lot of time but it is a very formative and rewarding experience. The aim of the course is to provide guidance on the publishing industry and process and to familiarize the PhD students with finding the right publishing strategy and outlet for their work.
Goals: Understand the role of academic publishing to knowledge production
Number of hours and planning:
Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc):
in presence
Evaluation criterial:
final written test
Credits (CFU):

6 Monday
9-10   Introduction to the course (MZ, AAR)
10-11 The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers
11-12 What is Open Access and the Open Access Movement
12-13 Predatory, Fishing, Self-Plagiarism
15-17 The case of journal Articles and the “Journal of Scholarly Publishing” (AAR)
7 Tuesday
9-10   Strategy of Academic Publishing (CM)
10-11 Strategy of Academic Publishing (CM)
11-13 Classification of Scientific Journals
15-17 A less investigated product: the Edited Volume/Collection of Essays (with Sharon Hecker, PhD, Art Historian, editor of the Bloomsbury Visual Cultures and Italian Contexts series) (AAR)
8 Wednesday
9-13  Peer Review (MZ)
15-17 From Dissertation to Book: main strategies and some experience (AAR)
9 Thursday
10-11 The journal editor’s role
11-12 The journal editor, an inside view: Valentina Fusari and the journal “Africa”
12-13 The journal editor, an inside view: Valentina Fusari and the journal “Africa”
15-16 Using Social Media to Promote Your Research”: the big five’s strategies (Marchi)
16-17 Facebook and Twitter as dissemination channels (Marchi)
10 Friday
9-11 Final test

13-17 February: Series of general lectures about historical research methodologies (course for 1st year students)
Aula 5, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

13  Monday
9-14       P. Valsecchi (Università di Pavia), Early modern European-language sources on African slavery
14  Tuesday
9-14        I. Poggiolini (Università di Pavia), Between documentation and communication: trends and case studies of international history via archival sources
15  Wednesday
9-11.30   M. Harari (Università di Pavia), The Bronze Liver of Placentia and the ancient practice of hepatoscopy
11.30-14 F. Antonelli (Università IUAV di Venezia), I principali marmi bianchi dell’età classica: breve storia d’uso e studio archeometrico
15-18      N. Kulic (Università di Pavia), Computer based techniques in historical research: an overview and some examples
16  Thursday
9-14        M. De Pietri (Università di Pavia), What the sources do (not) tell us: methodology in reconstructing ancient Egyptian history
17  Friday
9-14        M. Giorgieri (Università di Pavia), The written sources for the reconstruction of the ancient Near Eastern history: a critical overview
15-18      J. Lynch (Università di Pavia), Computer based text processing and visualization techniques, in support of historical research

13-16 February: Thematic seminars on specific issues of the historical research, common to the two Research Areas (biographies and autobiographies in history, the theory and history of historiography, microhistory, cultural history, etc.; course for 2nd and 3rd year students)
Aula 5, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

13  Monday
15-18   E. Morelli (Universität Basel), Biographies: Select lives of Southern African intellectuals, 1850s-1960s. Part one: writing African history after the wars
14  Tuesday
15-18   E. Morelli (Universität Basel), Biographies: Select lives of Southern African intellectuals, 1850s-1960s. Part two: from Creoles to amaKholwa and Bahlalefi
16 Thursday
15-18   P. Valsecchi (Università di Pavia), Connected Biographies

20-24 February: Subject specific seminars for the two Research Areas about “Forms of government and politics in ancient and modern-contemporary times” (for 2nd and 3rd year students)
Aula 5, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

20  Monday
9-13   M. Barducci (Università di Pavia), Democracy in history. Ideas and contexts
21  Tuesday
9-11   A. Berkofsky (Università di Pavia), Chinese foreign policies in the 1960s: Friends, half-friends and enemies
11-13 S. Zanotta (Università di Pavia), Women and transborder networks in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution
22  Wednesday
9-11   Ç. Oğuz (Università di Bologna),  Justifying war and defence during the Italo-Turkish War of 1911 in the Ottoman Empire and Italy
11-13 F. Mazzucotelli (Università di Pavia), "The Wounded of Beirut": The 1912 Battle of Beirut in the Arabic-speaking Public Debate
23  Thursday
9-11   I. Carter (Università di Pavia), Positive and negative liberty as political ideals
11-13 P. Pansardi (Università di Pavia), Measuring democracy: from democratization to autocratization
24  Friday
9-11   M. Gardini (Università di Pavia), Against, beyond, without, or despite the State? Anthropological perspectives on ‘stateless’ societies
11-13 F. Liveriero (universià di Pavia),  Political Authority and Democratic Legitimacy: different approaches and methodologies

20  Monday
14-16  A. Moligner Arbo (Université de Strasbourg), Il lessico politico di Erodiano
16-18  J. Madsen (University of Southern Denmark) - M. Bono (Università di Pavia), Cassius Dio, the Roman Senate, the Emperors: what balance of power?
21  Tuesday
14-16  C. Carsana - C. Zizza (Università di Pavia),  Democrazie e costituzioni miste tra Grecia e Roma. Teorie e prassi politica
16-18  G. Magnoli Bocchi (Università di Pavia), Democrazie fra antico e contemporaneo
22  Wednesday
14-16  B. Djurić (University of Ljubljana), Roman sarcophagi in Pannonia: production centers, products, distribution, iconography
16-18  M. Di Fazio (Università di Pavia), Far from forum. Forms of government in Italy before the Roman conquest
23  Thursday
14-16  D. Ackermann (Université de Poitiers), Religious identity for the definition of an Attic deme
16-18  M. Coudry (Université de Strasbourg), K. Sandberg (Università di Turku, Finlandia), S. Pittia (Université Sorbonne Paris1), Tavola rotonda su "Le forme della politica: la res publica romana tra democrazia e governo dell'élite"
24  Friday
14-16 A. Matessi (Università di Verona), Political Identities in the Making: Cultural and Political Frontiers in Central Anatolia in the 2nd millennium BCE
16-18 M. Capardoni (Università di Pavia / London), Before the State: prehistoric societies in the Ancient Near East

Teaching activities 2021/2022: 14-25 February 2022

Aula 5 - Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

A) 10 hours for both areas of study , 14-18 February h. 10-12 : The Power of the Written and Printed Word
Mon. 14
Gabriele Balbi (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Digital Media. History, Historiography, Concepts
Tue. 15
Massimo Carlo Giannini (Università di Teramo), Neophytes and Access to the Priesthood: Norms and Practices in Printed Works and Bureaucratic Writings in the Early Modern Age
Wed. 16
Mauro Giorgieri, Maria Elena Balza (Università di Pavia), A Tale of two Scripts: On the Writing Systems of the Hittite Kingdom
Thu. 17
Marco Pinfari (American University of Cairo), No Archive Is Innocent: An African Perspective on the Materiality of Writing and Archiving
Fri. 18
Irene Berti (University of Heidelberg), Abracadabra: Ancient Magical Incantations and Curses

B) 20 hours of subject specific seminars for the two Areas: students should attend all the seminars concerning their own area of study (15 hours) and at least two seminars of the other area of study (5 hours)

Mon. 21
Giacomo Macola (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”), “Homespun” History in Colonial Africa: From Yorubaland to Rwanda
Tue. 22
Maria Malatesta (Università di Bologna), Women Publishers and Modernism. United States, England and France Before and After the First World War
Wed. 23
Annachiara Raia (University of Leiden), Swahili Muslim Manuscript and Print Culture
Thu. 24
Christopher Rundle (Università di Bologna), History through the Lens of Translation: a Comparative Study of Four Fascist Regimes
Fri. 25
Francesco Casales (Università di Pavia), The Circulation of Colonial Fantasies in the Ventennio: Authors, Publishers, Readers

Mon. 21
Alberto Gandini (Università di Pavia), Shaping Democratic Memories in Early Hellenistic Athens: Texts, Contexts, and Documents
Tue. 22
Isabella Bossolino (Università di Pavia), Literacy in Archaic Greece, between Custom and Prestige
Wed. 23
Silvia Castelli (University of Leiden), “Anchoring” as a Conceptual and Heuristic Tool for Interdisciplinary Research
Thu. 24
Lucia Mori (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Looking South: Urbanization and State Formation in the Central Sahara
Fri. 25
Marilena Gorrini (Università di Pavia), Cretan Laws in Context


Teaching activities 2020/2021: 8th-19th February 2021

February 8, 2021
10-12 A.M.
Lectio Magistralis
Prof. Fabio Rugge
(Università di Pavia)
The Story of the State and Other Tales

Iconoclasm from Antiquity to Modernity
February 9-12, 2021
10-12 A.M
Tue. 9
C. Greco (Museo Egizio di Torino)
Museum and Research: the Future of Memory
Wed. 10
C. Calefati (Università di Pavia)
Attacking the Images: Scholar Trajectories on Iconoclasm
Thu. 11
A. Arisi Rota (Università di Pavia)
Iconoclasm in the Long 19th Century: Cases from the American Revolution to Pre-WWI Europe
Fri. 12
M. Cadario (Università di Udine)
Damnatio Memoriae and Destructions of Images in the Roman World
February 15-19, 2021

Curriculum Moderno, 9-12 A.M. Mon. 15
D.L. Caglioti (Università di Napoli, Federico II)
Writing Modern European History: Comparison and Entanglement
Tue. 16
S. Bellucci (University of Leiden)
The Challenges of Global Labour History: A Methodological Approach
Wed. 17
E. Morelli (Università di Pavia)
History through the Colonial Archive: Oral, Written, Past, Present
Thu. 18
A. Ferrando (Università di Pavia)
"The Power of Words": New Research Perspectives and Methods for a Global Media History in the 20th Century
Fri. 19
R. Petri (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Europe and History: A Long-Term Perspective

Curriculum Antico, 2-5 P.M. Tue. 16 M. De Pietri (Università di Pavia)
Egypto-Hittite Relationships Through the Lens of Messengers and Envoys: An Insight on Textual and
Archaeological Documentation
Wed. 17
L. D’Alfonso (Università di Pavia)
Origin and Cultural Embedment of the “Step Monuments” of Central Anatolia
Thu. 18
L. Capponi (Università di Pavia)
Cleopatra: An Impossible Biography? A Discussion of Sources and Interpretations
Fri. 19 R. Dan (ISMEO – Università della Tuscia)
An Introduction to the History and Archaeology of Bia/Urartu M. Harari (Università di Pavia) The Bronze Shield from Anzaf (until 6 P.M.)


Teaching activities 2019/2020: 3rd-26th February 2020

Lectures on Issues and Methodology of Historical Research (10 hours): 3rd-5th February 2020

Compulsory for all 1st and 2nd Year PhD students in both areas (“Ancient/Medieval History”, “Modern/Contemporary History”)
Lectures on Global Biographies (30 hours): 5th-13th, 24th-26th February 2020

1 Y PhD students in the area “Modern/Contemporary History”: they are required to attend all lectures for an amount of 30 hours
2 Y PhD students in the area “Modern/Contemporary History” : they are required to attend la choice of lectures for an amount of 15 hours
1 Y PhD students in the area “Ancient/Medieval History”: they are required to attend the lecture by S. Alaura (3 hours), in addition a choice of Lectures reaching a total amount of 18 hours
2 Y PhD students in the area “Ancient/Medieval History”: they are required to attend the seminar by S. Alaura (3 hours).
Lectures on The archaeological excavations of the University of Pavia (12 hours): 10th-14th February 2020

Compulsory for 1 and 2 Y PhD students of the area “Ancient/Medieval History”.
3 Y students will agree with their tutors a choice among all above said lectures and seminars irrespective of the areas of specialization

MANDATORY DIDACTIC ACTIVITY 2018/2019 (4th-15th February 2019)

4-7 Febraury 2019 Transversal SAFD course

Linguaggi, problemi e metodi della comunicazione della ricerca scientifica. Modulo: Scrittura per Dottorati di area umanistica

(link for registration and programme: http://colnuovo.unipv.it/esami2safd.php)
Compulsory for 1st Y PhD students (as well as to 2nd Y PhD students who did not attend any transversal course during the 1st year).

4-8 February 2019 Common Seminars (10 hours)
Compulsory for all 1st and 2nd Y PhD students.

4 Monday
10-12 Aula CASIP - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (DSPS)
Ilaria Poggiolini, Università di Pavia
Studying International History: Have Pertinent Sources, Themes and Tools Changed Fundamentally Since the 1950s?

5 Tuesday
10-12 Aula CASIP - DSPS
Cristopher Smith, University of St Andrews,
What Does it Mean to Compare Cultures?

6 Wednesday
10-12, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Marco Gardini, Università di Pavia
Conventional and Less-Explored Historical Sources for the Study of Slavery and Post-Slavery in Africa

7 Thursday
11-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Maurizio Harari, Università di Pavia
The Classical Style in Etruscan Painting

8 Friday
10-12, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Luigi Bonatti, Università di Trento
The Wealth of Nations Reconsidered

11-15 February 2019 Specific Seminars (15 hours)
1st and 2nd Year PhD Students should attend all the seminars concerning their Area; 1st Y PhD Students must attend at least two seminars of the other Area in order to fulfil the required hours (20 h.).

11 Monday
10-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Marco Clementi, Università di Pavia
The US Grand Strategy Across Critical Junctures

12 Tuesday
10-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Arianna Arisi Rota, Università di Pavia
Sources and Methodologies for a One-Year Book: 1869 at Stake

13 Wednesday
10-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Ettore Morelli, School of Oriental and African Studies London
Plantations, Slavery and European Expansion from the Crusades to the Scramble for Africa

14 Thursday
10-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Uoldelul Chelati Dirar, Università di Macerata
The Shadows and the Nuances of Colonialism. Dealing with the Past and Struggling with the Present

15 Friday
10-13, Aula CASIP - DSPS
Cristina Bon, Università Cattolica, Milano
American Democracy on the Verge of the Civil War: the Compromise Over Taxation and Representation During the Virginia Constitutional Convention


11 Monday
15-18, Aula Bottigella, Palazzo S. Tommaso
Presentation of the book Antichi Persiani. Storia e rappresentazione edited by Clelia Mora and Cesare Zizza, Università di Pavia.
With Josef Wiesehoefer, Universität Kiel; Antonio Panaino, Università di Bologna; Silvia Balatti, Universität Kiel; Ennio Biondi, Università di Pavia

12 Tuesday
10-13, Aula seminari di Orientalistica/Storia antica, Palazzo S. Tommaso
Simonetta Graziani, Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale
Perfumes in the Ancient Near Eastern World

12 Tuesday
14-17, Aula seminari di Orientalistica/Storia antica, Palazzo S. Tommaso
Maria Elena Gorrini, Università di Pavia
Pavia, city of Italy next to Ravenna (Stephen of Byzantium, s.v. Papia)

14 Thursday
9-14, Aula seminari di Orientalistica/Storia antica, Palazzo S. Tommaso
Defining social identities in Iron Age Italy: the archaeological evidence

Lorenzo Zamboni, Università di Pavia
Multicultural societies in Iron Age Europe? New discoveries and shifting perspectives
Paolo Rondini, Università di Pavia
Elements for a multiperspective take on Italian Central Alps, during Iron Age
Massimiliano Di Fazio, Università di Pavia
“Fluid" identities in Ancient Italy. The case of the Volsci

3rd Y students have the faculty to choose between the common seminars and the other specific seminars for the two areas, in agreement with the tutor.


Mandatory Didactic Training Programme 2017/2018

The mandatory activities for 2017/2018 will take place between the 26th of February 2018 and the 8th of March 2018, in Pavia University.

According to the regulations of the PhD Programme in the School in History (http://phdstoria.unipv.eu/site/home/percorso-formativo.html) the activities will include:

1) 10 hours of Common seminars for the two Areas (sources and methodologies), compulsory for ALL PhD students (1st, 2nd Y students; 3rd Y students have the faculty to choose between the common seminars and the other specific seminars for the two areas in order to arrive to attend a total of 20 H, i.e. 10 CFU)

26th February 2018 (9 am): Prof. G. Macola: “The Rise of African History as an Academic Discipline and the Historical Study of Oral Tradition”, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (DSPS), aula CASIP.

27th February 2018 (5 pm): Prof. A. Riccardi: “Chiese Orientali” (Title TBC). Opening Lecture, DSPS, Aula Grande di Scienze Politiche.

28th February 2018 (2.30 pm): Prof. A. Arisi Rota: The Military Road of Italian Society to Nation Building, 1796-1860, DSPS, aula CASIP.

1st March 2018 (9 am): Prof. Maurizio Harari: “Private Spaces in Pre-Roman Italy”, and Prof. L. Capponi: “Oxyrhynchus: a Waste-Paper City”, DSPS, aula CASIP.

2) 15 hours of Specific Seminars for the two Areas (NB: 1st and 2nd Year PhD Students should attend all the seminars concerning their Area; 1st and 2nd Y PhD Students must attend at least two seminars of the other Area in order to fulfil the required hours (30 H in Total). 3rd Y PhD Students are encouraged to choose seminars from the other area: nonetheless, the number of their compulsory hours, as stated above, is 20 in total, to be chosen between the common seminars and the specific seminars).

Area 1: Ancient and Medieval Studies Seminars
7th and 8th March 2018: Rituals in the Ancient Mediterranean. Sources and Methodologies.

Part I. Hittite Rituals, from Historical, Philological, Anthropological Points of View

7th March 2018 (2.30 pm)
Clelia Mora (Univ. Pavia): “A brief Introduction to the Topic”
Doris Prechel (Univ. Mainz): “Editing Hittite Rituals. Chances and Challenges”.
Stefano De Martino (Univ. Torino): "The Hurrian Magic Ritual itkalzi and its Fortune at the Hittite Court"
Mauro Giorgieri (Univ. Pavia): “Luwian Magic in the Context of the Hittite Ritual Traditions”
M. Elena Balza (Univ. Pavia): “Could the Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments be Places of Ritual Performances?”. Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DSU), Auletta Seminari di Storia antica e Orientalistica.

Part II. Greek and Etruscan Rituals: different sources and methodologies

8th March 2018 (9 am), DSU, Auletta Seminari di Storia antica e Orientalistica:

Prof. Massimiliano Di Fazio: “Human Sacrifice and Ritual Killing in the Etruscan Culture?”.
Dr. Lorenzo Zamboni, “Rituals in Smoke: Incense Burners in the Po Valley in the Archaic Period”.
Prof. Maria Elena Gorrini, “Nomina nuda tenemus? The Epigraphical Records of Dedications in two Healing Sanctuaries in Athens and in Oropos”.

Area 2: Modern and Contemporary Studies

18th and 19th December 2018: Workshop “La prima guerra mondiale nelle colonie italiane” http://storiainternazionale.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Programma-definitivo-workshop.pdf

NB: The PhD students of Modern and Contemporary area who did not attend this workshop and the Ancient and Medieval PhD Students, must attend the following seminars:

26th February (2 am),  Prof. A. Berkofsky: “The Relations Between the GDR and China from 1949-1989: Sources, Methodologies, Separating Propaganda from Fact”, DSPS, aula Videoconferenze.

5th March 2018 (10 am): Prof. M. Tesoro, “Fonti e metodi della storia contemporanea”, DSPS, DSPS, aula CASIP.


Students are expected to attend all seminars according to the guidelines previously specified. Attendance will be certified and will count towards the final evaluation by the Academic Committee.

Only First Year PhD students will have to write a paper in English or in Italian (20.000 characters, bibliography not included) on a chosen topic (students are encouraged to choose a subject not of their area). The paper will be assessed and will count towards the final evaluation by the Academic Committee.

Active seminars participation is at the centre of this didactic activity. Therefore, students are expected to play an active role in discussions. For each seminar, preparatory reading will be provided.


23-31 marzo 2017

Giovedì 23 (Aula L1 ore 9-13, Aula L2 ore 14-18) e venerdì 24 marzo (Studio prof. D. Rando ore 9-11, Aula L1 ore 11-13)
Isabella Consolati, Una geografia per la storia. Otto Brunner e i confini del concetto di territorio

Martedì 28 marzo
Ore 10 , Aula seminari Storia antica / Orientalistica Palazzo S. Tommaso – Rita Scuderi (Università di Pavia), L'instrumentum inscriptum dallo scavo di piazza Marconi a Cremona
Ore 16, Aula L8 Palazzo S. Tommaso – Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Scritture alfabetiche. Origini elusive e sviluppi noti

Venerdì 31 marzo (Collegio Ghislieri, Aula Goldoniana)
Ore 18.15 – Milena Melfi (Oxford University), Damofonte di Messene

Altre attività didattiche
Seminari ghisleriani di Archeologia, obbligatori solo per i Dottorandi con tesi di archeologia – tutti gli incontri avverranno al Collegio Ghislieri, Aula Goldoniana

5 aprile, ore 17.30 – M. Kerschner (Vienna- Salisburgo), The Artemision of Ephesos in the Geometric and Archaic periods: When and how did the sanctuary gain supra-regional importance?

10 maggio, ore 17.30 – Sam Turner (Direttore della School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University), title to be provided

24 maggio, ore 17.30 – Tavola rotonda con Alessandro Celani che presenta il suo volume, Una certa inquietudine naturale. Sculture ellenistiche fra senso e significato. Interverranno Matteo Cadario (Università di Udine), Massimiliano Di Fazio (Università di Pavia), Stefano Maggi (Università di Pavia), Maurizio Harari (Università di Pavia) e Maria Elena Gorrini (Università di Pavia)

25 maggio, ore 18 – Rosina Leone (Università di Torino), titolo da definire (sugli scavi a Tindari)


5-7 aprile 2017

Mercoledì 5 aprile
ore 11, Aula 5 DSPS – Elena Vezzadini, Institut des Mondes Africains, Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
Rivoluzione, memoria e resistenza anticoloniale in Sudan: la rivoluzione del 1924
Con presentazione e discussione del volume: Lost Nationalism. Revolution, Memory & Anticolonial Resistance in Sudan, James Currey, 2015 (vincitore del premio Bethwell A. Ogot, African Studies Association, 2015)

ore 14, Aula Grande DSPS – Daniela Preda. Università di Genova
I Trattati di Roma e il processo d'integrazione europea: una prospettiva di lunga durata

Giovedì 6 aprile
ore 10, Aula Grande DSPS –  Massimo Baioni, Università di Siena
Stagioni e miti del patriottismo nell'Italia unita (1861-2011)
Con presentazione e discussione del volume: Le patrie degli italiani. Percorsi del Novecento, Pacini Editore, 2017

ore 14, Aula Grande DSPS – Carlo Taviani, Fellow of the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom
Institutional Transplantation and Merchant Networks. The Genoese in Africa and the New World (ca. 1450-1530)

Venerdì 7 aprile
ore 11, Aula Grande DSPS – Massimo Zaccaria, Università di Pavia
Prima guerra mondiale e lotta anticoloniale: le reti, la stampa e i luoghi


Attività didattica a.a. 2015-2016

6-8 aprile 2016

Mercoledì 6 aprile 2016, ore 10-18,30
Aula Grande, Scienze Politiche e Sociali (Palazzo centrale dell’Università)

Antichi Persiani, questi sconosciuti  (Giornata di Studi)

Ore 10 - Clelia Mora, Cesare Zizza (Università di Pavia, Dip. Studi Umanistici): Introduzione.
Ore 11 - Silvia Balatti (Ricercatrice a tempo determinato - Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel):
I Medi e i Persiani nelle fonti del Vicino Oriente antico.

Ore 12,30 - Pausa

Ore 15 - Ennio Biondi (Chercheur associé à l'ISTA, Université Bourgogne-Franche Comté - Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité): I Persiani visti dai Greci: fonti e metodologie di lettura.

Ore 16,15 - Christian Greco (Museo Egizio, Torino): L’Egitto e i Persiani.

Ore 17 - Discussione generale

Ore 17,30 - Proiezione e letture da “I Persiani” di Eschilo, a cura di: Anna Beltrametti, Nicolò Casella, Fabio Lo Piparo (Università di Pavia, Dip. Studi Umanistici)

Giovedì 7 aprile 2016, ore 15 - 18
Sala Lauree (Palazzo centrale, piano terra)

Th. Frank, L'Oriente raccontato dai pellegrini occidentali del '300 e '400.
M. Milanesi, Gli Orienti nelle carte del Rinascimento: un problema di rappresentazione.

8 aprile 2016, ore 10-12
Auletta seminari Storia antica – Orientalistica (secondo piano S. Tommaso)

M. Harari, Admeto e Alcesti in Etruria.
S. Maggi, Noterella su Ticinum città di Augusto.
M.E. Gorrini, I sarcofagi romani da Ticinum: nuovi dati.

Altre attività didattiche
1) Ai dottorandi di ambito antichistico si richiede la partecipazione obbligatoria ad almeno una (ma auspicabilmente a più di una) delle seguenti iniziative organizzate presso il Collegio Ghislieri (v. News per informazioni dettagliate):

Giovedì 18 febbraio 2016, ore 18: Presentazione volume di M.E. Gorrini, Eroi salutari dell’Attica.
Martedì 1 marzo 2016, ore 18: Conferenza di F. Gilotta, Aegean Lane: qualche aspetto dell’Orientalizzante ceretano tra Grecia e penisola italica.
Lunedì 18 aprile 2016, ore 18: Conferenza di M. d'Acunto, La necropoli protogeometricae geometrica di Ialysos (Rodi).
Venerdì 29 aprile 2016, ore 18: Conferenza di F. Longo, Progetto Festos: I risultati delle ricerche italo-greche (2007-2015).

2) Ai dottorandi dell'indirizzo in "Vicino Oriente preclassico" si consiglia la partecipazione (facoltativa) ad uno o più incontri del ciclo di lezioni su "Oriente/Orientalismo" della Settimana didattica del Curriculum B (7-11 marzo 2016; v. sotto il programma dettagliato).


7-11 marzo 2016


Lunedì 7 marzo, Aula Grande, dip. Sc. Politiche e sociali
ore 10
Carola Cerami, 'Il caso Turchia in Europa': visioni d'oriente?
Ilaria Poggiolini, Il dibattito sul 'ritorno' a Ovest dell'Europa orientale.
ore 15
Antonio Varsori (Università di Padova), La politica Europea dell'Italia verso l'oriente' comunista.

Martedì 8 marzo, Aula Grande, dip. Sc. Politiche e sociali
ore 11
Marina Formica (Università di Roma 2), Giochi di specchi: forme di identità e rappresentazioni del Turco nella cultura politica d’Antico regime.
ore 15
Marica Roda , Il Turco in figura: documenti iconografici della prima età moderna.

Mercoledì 9 marzo, Aula Grande, dip. Sc. Politiche e sociali
ore 10
Gastone Breccia, Guerra all'Isis. Fare storia sul campo: Kurdistan iracheno e siriano.
ore 16
Arianna Arisi Rota, Antonio Morone, Maurizio Isabella ( Queen Mary College, Londra), Kostantina Zanou (Istitut d’Etudes Avancées. IEA, Parigi), Mediterranean diasporas.

Giovedì 10 Marzo, Aula Grande, dip. Sc. Politiche e sociali
ore 10
Simonetta Casci, Oceano indiano:strategie a confronto.
ore 15
Bruna Soravia (LUISS, Roma), Ascesa e declino dell'Orientalismo italiano. 1911-1945.

Venerdi 11 marzo, Aula Grande, dip. Sc. Politiche e sociali
ore 10
Axel Berkofsky, La costituzione giapponese del 1947.
ore 14
Paola Carucci, Fonti e istituzioni.

Workshop su recenti monografie della storiografia contemporaneistica italiana

16 marzo 2016, ore 18 - COLLEGIO GHISLIERI, Aula Goldoniana
Raffaele Romanelli e Marina Tesoro discutono:
Arianna Arisi Rota, 1869: il Risorgimento alla deriva . Affari e politica nel caso Lobbia, Bologna, il Mulino, 2015.

Elisa Signori e Pierangelo Lombardi discutono:
Patrizia Audenino, La casa perduta. La memoria dei profughi nell’Europa del Novecento, Roma, Carocci, 2015.

Arianna Arisi Rota discute:
Carlotta Sorba, Il melodramma della nazione. Politica e sentimenti nell’età del Risorgimento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2015.

Renato Camurri e Elisa Signori discutono:
Francesco Torchiani, L’oltretevere da oltreoceano. L’esilio americano di Giorgio La Piana, Roma, Donzelli, 2015.

Francesco Battegazzorre e Marina Tesoro discutono:
Maurizio Ridolfi, La politica dei colori. Emozioni e passioni nella storia d’Italia dal Risorgimento al ventennio fascista e L’Italia a colori. Storia delle passioni politiche dalla caduta del fascismo a oggi, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2015.

IMPORTANTE: I dottorandi del primo anno sono tenuti a produrre un paper su un argomento a scelta tra quelli proposti durante le settimane didattiche del proprio curriculum (A o B).

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