Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Research Topics
The PhD program in History includes the following research topics:

- Pre-classical ancient Near-East: History, archaeology, philology of Near East and Egypt from IIIrd to Ist millennium B.C.; Hebrew, Biblical philology.

- Ancient history and historiography: History and culture of the Greek and Roman world; Greek and Latin epigraphy; history of historiography.

- Greek, Etruscan, and Roman archaeology, topography and art: History of material culture and of visual arts in the area of the Greek-Roman civilisation.

- History and civilisation of Greek and Latin Middle Age: Political, social, cultural history; history of religion; history of writing, in Mediterranean countries from VIIIth to XVth century.

-Modern and Contemporary History: it aims at training the analysis of historical phenomena on the middle and long term on a local, national and international scale in the 15th-21st Century Europe. Dealing with a wide chronological and geographical range will be matched with the acquirement of broad methodologies of research and with the knowledge about historiography. PhD students shall demonstrate to manage the categories of political, cultural, social, economic history and of the history of political thought, as well as to deal with transversal research questions by the investigation of relevant case-studies.

-Constitutional and Administrative History: it aims at sharpening knowledge about the political institutions in the contemporary age. PhD students will analyze the legal and organizational phenomena affecting public powers and their development and connections with the history of civil society. More generally, doctoral training and research will be focused on: forms and activities of the local, national and supranational governments; administrative typical, special, economic and functional structures; recruitment and training of political and administrative personnel; institutions aimed at the elaboration and transmission of the knowledge about institutions. As far as the geographical dimension is concerned, Italian institutions will be mainly dealt with, but also the European and extra-European ones will be considered. They will be examined either in their past and present outcomes, focusing on the comparative-historical approach as the PhD programme typical one.

-History and Politics of European Integration: it aims at deepen historical investigation in the field of European Studies. PhD students will study in depth the complex reasons contributing to the European integration process; the interlacing between national political cultures with Europeanist and Federalist ideals; the role played by intellectuals and political personalities; the promoting role of movements; governmental and diplomatic activity: all aspects which have produced, according to different paths, the shapening of the acquis communautaire and have contributed to historians’ investigation, also in sight of the constitutional accomplishment of European unity.

-History of Asia and Africa: it aims at advanced training in historical studies with special focus on the questions and research methodologies distinctive of these two great areas and of their different regional elements in modern and contemporary age. Political, socio-economic history and history of ideas will be focused, with special attention for the dynamics concerning the State, institutions, religions, movements, networks and relations among geographic areas and societies; interaction between Western contribution – as far as colonialism and other forms of reciprocity are concerned – and internal processes and dynamics will be considered. The curriculum encourages comparative approach and dialogue and comparison with different research methods, either in the historical and in the anthropological fields. PhD students’ research projects are a constant base for the planning of teaching and seminar activities.

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